Wednesday, September 10, 2008

SSB - An Experience to Die for

One day, like any other day, I was coming back home from office. There was nothing unusual about the day, treading my way with nothing but sleep in mind. I had been bitten with a monotonous rounine bug at work so I cribbed all the way for not being able to enjoy life like any other office-goers and for missing my favourite respite of the summer (trekking) because of the new found love - JOB. I wouldn’t say it was all that bad. After all, last day of the month does make working worth for every one, although it is sad when u wish, wish and just wish for payday to come every alternate day…but reality and fantasy are two ends of the ocean that will hardly meet for well-wishers like us.

Anyway, as I made my way back, it was already late so I expected the mails to be picked up by somebody else, also I felt little tired to peep in vain in the mailbox. But I guess when things have to work your way, it will no matter what. I was about to reach my doors when I saw a white envelope in my letter box. I picked it up with least interest as it had been years since I had got any mail (with technology reaching the notch, e-mails are what I receive...hehe). But to my amazement it was for me, and it took my heartbeat for a skip when I read…SSB INTERVIEW CALL-LETTER. That took me a while to understand what was happening since it had been months I had given CDS. I quickly cleared up my mind that suddenly rushed with hundreds of questions (how come I cleared CDS, is this a prank, really I cleared CDS, and am I going to the Army?). I ran up the stairs with all the tiredness taking a back seat with letter firmly held in hand, hoping that it wasn’t a dream that I would be awaken from. It was a proud moment for me, felt as if I had conquered the world...half at least.

Those five days of the SSB were the best days of my life. Days saw culmination of discipline, rules, strictness and fun, making my life’s experiences falling short to compare the amazing time I spent there. It all began with making friends at the railway station where we all gathered. I saw tens of faces with thousands of emotions portraying the commoner’s thought of SSB interview. And as always I felt out of place with girls double my height and all fit and geared up for the days to come while I eased myself with potato chips in one hand and Pepsi in the other to comfort my stay to the best.

First day passed with the thought of being in the Lion’s den - Allahabad SSB centre, the toughest place to be in. But the following day had us on our toes as it was the day of elimination. I felt like a roadie who’d pack her bag with future soon to be uncovered. But GD saved me to witness the ruthless yet enjoyable four days ahead.

Psychological test, situation reaction test, group discussion, lectureate, snake race, Burma Bridge, Tarzan swing and what not. You name it and we did it all. Even after all this, we had the nerve to wait for more. But it was all fun and memorable from the scratch. My funniest moment there was when I tried my hands on the Tarzan swing (not sure if that the exact name!). Rather than flying my way to the white line at the other end, I went straight down with face half dug in mud. It was embarrassing. But more painful was crossing the 8-feet wall without any aid. Though in a way it helped as it left me with blue and red bruised skin, a perfect cover for my lie in the office.

Although at the end I couldn’t make the cut off but these five days are the best days of my life where every moment I loved to be in discipline, also I made friends who seem perfect for the rest of my life. These days taught me that Army is not a joke where you go searching for adventure and sports but more about forgetting yourself and being able to lay your life for the unknowns. I wish one day, even if I do not join Army, I’d be some help to my country and be a part of the moments when it conquers the world.

1 comment:

rainbow of life! said...

wow!! U made SSb interview sound so cool! Even I wish to take it now. (joking, aneways). Keep writing and sharing such interesting thoughts with the world ! and no wonder, you would make a mark for urself one day!